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After School Program

Mr. Tom Cassinetto, Program Supervisor
The Valley Home Joint School District After School Education Program is a youth program committed to providing academic assistance and enrichment activities to students in the Valley Home School District. The program operates daily during the school year, from school dismissal until 6:00 pm. We serve students in grades K-8, free of charge.
The After School Education Program is funded through the ASES Grant, to provide academic and enrichment activities for up to 65 Valley Home School District students. Qualified staff will deliver academic and enrichment activities with a student to staff ratio no greater than 20 to 1.
After School Program Admission Requirements:
  1. Any Valley Home Joint School District student, grades K – 8.
  2. Complete the registration form and release for emergency treatment form, and have current health records on file in school office.
  3. Attend the program every day through 6 p.m. Seventh and Eighth grade students are recommended to attend nine hours a week.
  4. Maintain good behavior while attending the program. Any student who disrupts the program or threatens another student’s safety may be immediately dis-enrolled form the program.
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Are there any costs associated with student participating in the program?
Answer: Participation in the program is free.
Question: Are participating students required to attend the after school programs five days a week?
Answer: It is the intent of the Legislature that elementary school pupils participate in the program every day and that pupils in middle school (6th-8th) attend a minimum of nine hours a week (or three days a week) to accomplish program goals. Students who can attend the program every day will have priority over pupils who cannot attend every regular school day.
Question: Does my student have to attend every day?
Answer: While all students are expected to attend the full program every day, flexibility is allowed via an early-release policy.
Question: May I register my child to participate for a short period or for only a few hours per week?
Answer: The after school program cannot provide drop-in, child care, or elective program attendance.
Question: What are the after school program components?
Answer: Participating students will receive a nutritious snack, homework help/tutoring, academic support and enrichment activities. One hour of educational activity will start each day, followed by structured enrichment activities and supervised play time.
For more information call the District Office at 847-0117